Food has always held a special place in my family, serving as the heart and soul of our cherished moments.

From my earliest memories, the pleasures of the table have woven their way into every significant occasion, whether it be joyful celebrations or times of solace.

My journey begins in the vibrant city of Aleppo, renowned for its rich culinary heritage. It seemed as though everyone in this city possessed the discerning palate of a food critic and the skills of a master chef.

Amongst them, my paternal grandmother stood out as a true culinary genius. Her ability to craft extraordinary and authentic meals captivated me from a young age. I was enthralled by her detailed descriptions of each ingredient and the unique techniques she employed to extract the very best flavors from them.

In our community, food preservation was a vital tradition, considering Syria's reliance on seasonal produce. Every season brought new opportunities for preserving food, such as making tomato paste, preparing sauerkraut, and more. However, the process of crafting rose jam, an Aleppo delicacy, held a special place in our hearts. The meticulousness of the process was always rewarded, especially when we savored the refreshing sweetness of rose syrup slushies on warm summer days.

Our preservation endeavors extended beyond rose jam, encompassing a wide range of items, from pickles and artichokes to dried vegetables, jams, and liquors. It was a sustainable way of life that had been passed down through generations, preserving not only the food but also our heritage.


Through my mother's family from the coastal region, I discovered the wonders of seafood. My grandmother's mastery of cooking seafood was unparalleled, and indulging in sumptuous dishes of large shrimps, crabs, and lobster became a regular treat.

Both sides of my family nurtured within me a deep appreciation for food and the culinary arts. Every bite, every knife stroke, and every seasoning carried with it a story from the past. Growing up in such an environment was a true blessing, as I absorbed the knowledge and skills of these exceptional cooks without even realizing it.

At the age of 14, I began documenting my cherished recipes in a notebook. These recipes were not mere precise measurements but rather a collection of flavors and techniques that encapsulated the love and care poured into each dish.

When I got married and moved to Damascus, a new chapter in my culinary journey unfolded. There, I discovered the beauty of Damascene cuisine and savored what I believe to be the best shawarma in the world. 

Although replicating the flavors of my childhood posed its challenges, I persevered and honed my cooking skills. When life later took me to Canada, cooking became my sanctuary, allowing me to stay connected to our Syrian roots.

Eventually, our journey brought us to Brooklyn, where cooking remained an ever-present and steadfast companion in our lives. Amidst the chaos of raising two young boys, the kitchen became a haven of comfort and familial togetherness. The warmth of Brooklyn's atmosphere and its welcoming community embraced us, further inspiring me to pursue my culinary dreams and embark on a cooking adventure of my own.

The strength and support I found in Brooklyn enabled me to share my passion for food, creating new memories while honoring the ones I left behind in Syria.
